Want to get there with investing?
“Macaulay Culfin vs. Joe Pisces”

Here’s what 10 Finatics say:

"The Stream"
“Cole has created an effective workshop for investing that frankly surpassed any investment course I have taken as a recent graduate from Columbia Business School… Find Fat Fish offers a skillset that can change lives.”
Miranda C.
New York, NY, USA

"Dirty Bird Gets The Returns"
“I have just done the numbers and surprised even myself. On today’s figures, since working with Cole just over 2 years ago I have increased my net worth by 715%. Due to keeping my expenses as low as possible and investing regularly all while living the life I want to live at the same time. Can really see light at the end of the tunnel now.”
Dan R.
Cairns, North Queensland, Australia

"Gill Ferrell"
“Not only have we succeeded in our investing but it’s spurred us on to start other businesses that are well on their way to succeeding.”
Kevin & Missie C.
San Francisco, California, USA

“Reverse Pikeology, Feminists"
“I've always said the biggest difference the workshop has made for me is the fact that it's completely changed my attitude towards money, and it wasn't until recently I quantified how much. My net worth today is 315% of what it was this time last year. Part of this is due to my Fat Fish and part of it is due to how I've changed the way I manage my money, but I definitely couldn't have done either without you whooping me into thoughtful, simple action!”
Suyeon S.
Wellington, New Zealand

“How Do You Pike Them Apples?!”
“This skill let me leave my job and start my own company while supporting my family. None of that would have been possible without Cole’s workshop.”
Jerome C.
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

“A River Puns Through It”
“The information I learned throughout this class has been invaluable. I consider myself self-sufficient in the world of stock investing. I have a growing portfolio of companies, which I am able to select and research on my own. The saying, ‘give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime’ accurately describes the before and after of Cole’s workshop.”
Ross T.
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

“Richard Swimmons"
“Cole was very patient, warm, and understanding when it came to my 0.00 knowledge about investing and minimal financial literacy. He took the time to ask me powerful questions that helped me understand my financial situation better and his tactic for explaining and teaching me was super grounded and easy to understand. With his help I took the plunge and bought my first stock which has been a successful investment!”
Natalie H.
Los Angeles, California, USA

"Trout In A Pouch"
“This course allowed me to clear away the noise and turn my mindset from being a mindless spender into an opportunistic investor, which has enabled me to double my portfolio in two years. Something that usually takes 7 to 10 years with index funds.”
Hannah T.
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

“Diamonds Charr Forever”
“Find Fat Fish compelled me to invest in Amazon and Netflix back in 2010. I turned my first investment into my wife’s wedding ring, and the AMZN and NFLX I’ve got left are up more than 2,200% and 4,800%.”
Russ C.
Los Angeles, California, USA

"Fearless Girl vs. Charging Bull vs. Discharging Pigeon"
“I’ve literally become part of a team helping women to invest off the back of the confidence I got from Find Fat Fish.”
Jessica S.
Auckland, New Zealand

"Carp Diem"
“Overall, this is a sound, unpretentious primer for beginners. A well-crafted, easy-to-follow seminar on long-term investment.”
Kirkus Reviews