A Victory Lap with an ER Doctor

Thomas Carter is a doctor who trains doctors. He’s gone from groaning “Why are my returns so shit & my costs so high?!” to laughing “1 position paid for Cole… today” in 18 months.

1.5 years after learning how to feed his family Fat Fish…

  • Thomas fired his financial advisor and is now saving more than $25,000 per year ($250,000 per decade) in fees.

  • He has found, bought, and held *focused* positions that are up more than 200% & 500%.

  • His wife Stacy is performing even better—because she is more *concentrated*—with an average return above 90% with the Fat Fish that she’s found.

  • “Team Carter” has already made a lot of money despite the long-term nature of this strategy — and they are crushing the performance of any diversified investor, as a hobby, without any shortsightedness or recklessness.

  • Thomas’ ability to powerfully retire from emergency surgery, on his terms & when he wants to, has upgraded from a haunting “if” to a peaceful “when.”

We discuss his & Stacy's transformation, fully, in this interview.

One last thing on Dr. Carter: he’s achieved all of this in 18 months while running an emergency room, and while he & Stacy run a household of 4 kids (who are traveling constantly 🥇🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️). They blew through any “But do we have enough bandwidth?!” concerns only because they were willing to acknowledge a serious problem, ask for help, and follow through.

There’s more that I could say (do you see the multi-decade implications?!), but what else do you need to know?

You’re serious or you’re not. You’re done with self-deception or you’re not. You’re on an 8-figure trajectory or you’re not.

Compare your progress to Team Carter’s, then let me ask you: What, for you, does winning look like? Are you ready to dive in & start celebrating? Or are you not done fence-sitting & suffering?

If (and only if) you’re ready to get Team Carter-level serious: Join The Kingdom of Compound Interest, watch Thomas’ interview in its entirety, then book a call to speak with me so we can co-author your version of this story.